The Value of Quality Reachsearching

Ah…spring is finally in the air. As I approach this time every semester when I begin discussing the paramount value – both academically and personally – of how to research and assess “evidence” with my students, I’m reminded of how increasingly complicated starting such rigorous work can be today, and will only become more so tomorrow.

This revolutionary factor I refer to is, of course, our modern era Wild West: the Internet.

While the Internet provides countless resources, studies, and other data, so too arises the muck and malignancy of either erroneous or misappropriated information. With so much good and bad to work with, how do we decide which is which?

Luckily, I have one recent example of quality information – along with my well-reasoned analysis. When I came across these photos (obviously – as I’ll explain in a moment – leaked NASA photos of Mars), you can imagine my shock in needing to spread the news about such disturbing images that nobody is talking about for some crazy reason (clearly the same people denying the reality of FET (Flat Earth Theory)). And so here is my analysis – and helpful hand – in proliferating ‘good’ thought on a topic vital to the public well-being.

Giant feet or small dunes? The one thing about this image that’s truly impossible to tell.

In this first image, there are a few very notable details. For starters, the sand and rocks here definitely have a reddish hue, as one would expect of the Martian environment. If ‘A’ can be added to ‘B’ then they equal ‘C’, right? And so, Mars it is then. Case closed.

But note the sharply angled depression on the mid-right side. The foot-length imprint is clearly the marking of some alien creature. Unless… Have humans already been to the red planet? It’s entirely possible given all the other secrets that the government has kept from us over the years. Sadly, we won’t know more unless further such revealing pictures are leaked.  I will attest, however, that this is evidence that humans should be able to colonize the fourth planet from the sun regardless.

Next, you’ll find below what appear to be an exotic set of alien fossils. These are like no land creatures I have ever seen on Earth. And so if I’ve never seen them, then they must be aliens – natives of the red planet. One can only imagine how many billions of years old they must be…

The remains of parent and kiddie aliens.

And finally, this image below clearly shows a real-life Martian lake. This makes sense since we’ve all been told that Mars is a cold, dry place, but by whom? The government, of course! Could there be more water here that we’re not seeing? Perhaps that’s where those creatures featured above live? Only going to this exact spot will we be able to find out for sure. But where is this spot? And what else exactly is the government not telling us about it? The lies continue to build.

2018-04-01 12.42.27

Real estate is cheap on the red planet. Invest now!

Anyway, I hope you’ve learned something from these profound examples. You can’t always trust what people tell you, least of all people you don’t know. But how do we even know that people are telling us this? How do you know that I am even a person? And not a scambot? A government hack?

You’ll just have to judge things for yourself, I suppose, based on the evidence you find, and whatever logic you can apply.

Happy April 1st everyone!

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